Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Since I last blogged:

The Good =

1. Battlestar Galactica season 3
2. Christmas shopping is completed as of today!
3. I attended 3 Thanksgivings and ate at all 3 (Chin had the best turkey, sorry Dan)
4. Sitting in with Revolver shows
5. sushi at Tanoshi = best sushi ever

The Bad =

1. Tab had a rough November
2. My job is letting me go Jan. 1st
3. I have to miss a lucrative WNT gig
4. I need new headshots
5. I haven't had a chance to start watching The Wire

The Future =

1. Dragonforce this Monday!
2. Saturday my dad is swinging by on his way to Palestine
3. Dinner at Alinea soon......
4. Hopefully see Our Bad Magnet again at the Mary Archie Theatre, it's fantastic
5. More blogging!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful future for you and your family